Wednesday, January 30, 2008


For those of you (Melinda) who still read my blog...

Is it, under any circumstance, EVER ok to lie?


Jaime said...

Jake, do you think I am fat?

(You are allowed to lie to me.)

mefea said...


scary man in the parking lot asks if you're all alone....

LIE! "no, my big buff 6'6" boy friend is on his way...oh there he is right now!"

*point to complete stranger who just happens to be 6'6" and is walking towards you*


if you're Jack Bauer.

mefea said...

oopps...i forgot, i'm memorizing this scripture

Col 3:1-15

"If then you have been raised with not lie to one another, seeing as you have put off the old self with its practices, and put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of it's creator....And be thankful."

*but i still think there are a few exceptions (see above;)

Tammy said...

So glad you are okay after that terrible accident. Anyway, good question....I need to think about it and respond later.

lawrence said...

Jaime your ridiculously huge...if you got in a boat it would sink.

Joe Martino said...

Why do the Prophets often lie in the O.T.?

Anonymous said...

Boy, Jake, you're in for it now.

But to answer the question, yes.

Example: Stranger on the phone, "Are your parents there?"

"Absolutely not....I have no one here but myself and my dog who loves strangers"

Personally, I think it would be beneficial to lie on this occasion.

Anonymous said...


Like when? Maybe I can use these examples the next time I argue w/ JJ :-)...


Unknown said...

Yes it is okay to lie sometimes. Hello, Rahab.

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Whew! Jake, so glad I stopped by in time to set you all straight. Please post an update to this post that lets everyone know that you CAN lie in the following events:
1. self-preservation
2. self-image
3. self-lessness (i.e. birthday or Christmas surprises)

When Scripture calls us to not lie, it is speaking of things like when your mother asks if you did something. It benefits only YOURself to lie. That is why it is wrong. If it benefits others, it is ALWAYS alright. (Hence, the lie to Jaime you should have told! ;o)

This has been a privilege to inform you of the answer to your question. If you have any further questions, I would be most happy to discuss at a later date (this is not a lie).



P.S. That was all a lie.

jul said...

hi Lawrence, I was just reading through old posts on my blog and it appears to me that I was often hard on you when you commented and asked questions, and also I often didn't respond (though I think it wasn't a purposeful ignoring!). Anyway, just wanted to apologize and thank you for your input in the past.

This is the truth by the way hehe, and I think it's fine to lie as led by the Holy Spirit...

Danny Wright said...

Wow I haven't been by here in awhile. I was at your sister's blog which sent me here. Good to see you posting again. As I was reading through the comments I was going to mention Rahab but Jannell beat me to it. I really like Jennifer's answer.

I was trying to explain to my children the other day why it was OK to lie to Mom about her Mother's day present. Her explanation would truly have come in handy.

PS in the end my son "could not tell a lie" and spilled the beans about everything. :( I'm gonna have to get out to blog land more often, the answer was sitting here all the while!